If we look around us and observe, what do we find? Anarchy, lawlessness and outlawry in its fullness! Why is it so? The basic and fundamental reason behind all this is the absence of Peace in the hearts of people. Presence of Peace is the responsibility of every citizen of this planet earth.

We know that the purest part of the society all around the globe is ‘children’. They symbolize love and harmony.

An untiring effort is going on at many places around the country to let people understand what Peace is. Here an effort was made at V.K.Memorial School for children to encourage them feel free to express their ideas and concepts about Peace through Art on the paper in colours. There were three groups of students from III to V, VI to VIII and IX-X. They were shown the videos – The Ant Story, Is Peace Possible? and YPF Website. Every drawing was so artistic and meaningful that the beauty of the inner instincts behind that was beyond words. Every child of whatever age group one was drew an essence. Every organizer, every staff and every parent were speechless. All of them thanked the organization for awaking the children and the youth leading them towards the greatest goal of life ‘Peace’. “…The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.”